Kanōsei (Potential)

Your potential! Your potential! Don’t bring an end to it!
Your potential! Don’t bring an end to it!

We’re all waiting for our time to shine,
trying to seize upon an unexpected opportunity

I’m going to make a fresh start, and switch on the light in my heart
My weak self is already an old story; I’m searching for that, that version of myself

We’re not hopeless, we’re not going to bring an end to our potential
You say someone laughed at us; who cares!
We’ll just strengthen our resolve and go for it

Take hold of tomorrow; Right now is the time
Even if people make up their minds about us, who cares!
We’ll just gaze more deeply at our dreams

Aa hope is a fleeting thing, because of that you can’t just throw it away!

The shadow I cast as I stand in my loneliness tells me to give in a little
I’ll change the colors of tomorrow; I’m searching for that, that version of myself

We’re not hopeless, we’re not going to bring an end to our potential
You say someone laughed at us; who cares!
We’ll just strengthen our resolve and go for it

Take hold of tomorrow; Right now is the time
Don’t let anyone laugh at you anymore
Together, together we’ll continue gazing at our dreams

Aa hope is a fleeting thing; Aa hope is our throbbing hearts
I’m going to be strong for you
Cause, hey, I love you; because of that you’re essential

Your potential! That thing called hope! Don’t bring an end to it!
You and I! Don’t bring an end to us!