
I thought it’d turn into me writing a cheering song for you, but once I got a plane and met you
I soon found out it’s a million years too early to plan on writing a cheering song for you

You had a beautiful right leg, so as to not lose to those with beautiful nails
As soon as you ran through with that gallant face
It was like a veil wrapping it all up was rapidly torn off
You were a person that smiled with the radiance of the sun

“How imprudent; I’ve got to be understanding; I’ll hurt their feelings; I’ll help them”
Without knowing the distance nor taking time to get acclimated
Calmly standing on the tactile paving for the blind; The inconveniences affecting conversation, stairs, and shopping
As long as I don’t experience it I never think about it in my daily life

My body has full freedom so I’ve lived my life taking it all for granted but
Your body has disabilities so you’ve continued thinking about how to live

The way of life you see if you leap, your face photographed if you smile
If this is scattered throughout Japan by plane, I wonder if a flower we’ve never seen will blossom
For man and woman to understand each other they spend time together hand in hand
For a mother and child to understand each other they say their words of gratitude at meals
Handicapped, healthy, classification and discrimination, if we don’t talk about it we won’t understand
Kindness, righteousness, compassion and self-satisfaction, if we don’t engage it we won’t understand
A blind youth or an elderly woman, to which do you give the last seat?
Japan may waver on this
Even today a precious new life is being born
What kind of Japan can we prepare?

I soon found out it’s a million years too early to plan on writing a cheering song for you