
The scenery I saw by your side
seemed like a dream that would continue forever

You holding my hand always made me happy
My open right hand was yours
It was like I received wings

No matter how many years pass, no matter if I find a new love
I’m going to end up
comparing it to your kindness

The scenery I saw by your side
seemed like a dream that would continue forever
Those long fingers and wide shoulders, the starry sky I
saw while on your back, the memories are as beautiful as ever

Just by simply loving someone everything won’t work out
Sometimes there will be things we must do
We both were kept at a distance, now I understand
Even if I cried the answer, my voice would have just slipped into the crowd

You came to get me with your freshly issued license
Your smile to me
was too radiant so

The scenery I saw by your side
seemed like it would continue forever, so I got scared

I’m such a fool; so much time has passed
before I could forgive you

Even now are you smiling somewhere?
Once in a while do you remember me?
I stand still, my hair’s grown out, and I’ve lost time
When I looked up to the night sky the stars spilled out

I’m such a fool; so much time has passed
before I could forgive you